Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new type of site. Totally Free, brought to You for You. In today's economy more and more people are turning on-line as a fundamental source of income. It is a fact, most people will fail at on-line success due to a lack of comprehension and low genuine resources. I have been very successful at all types of Internet marketing and distribution. With years of experience and hundreds of thousands of dollars of investments and failures, I comprised this comprehensive site to help out the little guy compete with the giants of the net. A complete guide to help the amateur to the advanced webmaster.

First we can turn that good idea you have and build a site around it. Of course you probably don't have thousands of dollars to hire some fancy "guru" to build it, right. So there are options. BaB will show you how to get that site for free and how to maintain it. How to get a registered domain name. Also how to get your site listed on the major search engines. How to build and place ads for the lowest cost possible, and even how to gain revenue off of your site. Visit us often for frequent updates. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments or contact BAB. Thank you for visiting and spread the word. Subscribe to the feed!!!!

First things first, You Need a site!!!

You need a site or blog, and you don't know where to go. Okay you can begin by going to Blogger and start you a site for free. This will cost you nothing. The process is simple and you will figure out the formatt in no time at all.

Or maybe you already have a lot of programming skills under your belt and feel more comfortable with an advanced setting, Then you are ready for Yola, formerly synthasite. Steer clear of the Yahoo blog.com, as this will cost you money and you are stuck with there ads as opposed to putting up your own.
Point and click. Drag and drop. That's all you need to know!

Make your site unique!

Now that you have a new site built, it probably doesn't look like those professional sites that you visit on the net. That's O.K. it's time to personalize that site now. First you need a creative banner for the head of your site. Where can I get this done at you ask??? BANNERSKETCH.COM

Why bannersketch you say, well because it is the easiest to use, the most reliable program on the market. And well, Bannersketch.com is the only totally free banner creator currently online!

In just a few minutes you can, without any web design knowledge, make your own web banner. The high-quality professional online banner creator has unprecedented possibilities. Online Internet banners can be made with the templates combined with your own banner text lines. Or upload your own images and choose the banner size you like. With a little effort you can make the most beautiful web banner creation possible

Fill your site with content, content, content!!!

Now that you have the basic format to your site and you have added some banners and pictures or videos, You have to fill a couple of pages with good content. If you are running a blog then write about things people want to hear, and make it as realistic as possible. Make people want to return to your site again and again.
If you are starting a retail site then you will definitely need to open a retail format, exploiting the details of your products and very good pictures.
Make your site stand out by offering the reader some options; read a new blog entry or watch a video from you tube.

Search engine Optimization

O.K. things are looking up. You have a site built, with necessary content and now you need to begin to bring in your visitors or potential customers. There are many, many companies and so called guru's that will sell you there e-zine or push there great skills with the search engines to get you to buy their overpriced package. And trust me most of these companies hide behind statistics and never really amount to any real customers. Also you will be bombarded with offers from pay per click sites who guarantee your traffic will increase in days. However here is the trick most people do not know; this traffic is useless, because most pay per click mediums use robots to hit your site, so you will see an increase in the amount of visitors but it will result in no actual sales. BAB is dedicated to showing you the proper way to get your sites to the top of the search engines without spending heaps of money.

GOOGLE invites you to submit your URL here. GOOGLE does not add all submitted URLs to their index, and cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear. However, once you have submitted your site and GOOGLE verifies that you are an actuall site then it will be added to the directory in about one month.

Next, submit your site to orangesoda.com for submission to all major search engines.

Step 1: Submit your website for free. Step 2: Search engines will find your website through orangesubmit.com. Step 3: Customers find your website in the search engines.

Ping your blog!


The service which does the hard work for you. We notify all the major blog directories in one go so that everyone knows about your latest blogs. It saves you the time of having to do each one manually! This is a great way to improve the popularity of your blog and make sure the search engines crawl and index your site properly.


Definitely the best results to any site comes from organic search results. This means that you are targeting a specific audience and are guiding them to your site through Niche Marketing. Most of this traffic you can steer to your site for free, because these people are already looking for specific services or goods that you provide. The biggest mistake that most marketers do is hit the web with a blanket approach, trying to get everyone to your site. But, 3000 visitors to your site who are specifically looking for your business is better than 10,000 visitors that were brought to your site through re-direct or links.
There's a brand new site that gives YOU viral web traffic and online advertising without spending 1 penny! (OK, there are upgrade options too but you don't have to take them to benefit.) The coolest part is that the traffic & advertising actually GROWS bigger and bigger the longer you use it. It's breakthrough viral technology like I've never seen before. You can get started instantly in just minutes, and you don't even need to change anything you currently do to use it! Just sit back and watch as your website visitors and ad views skyrocket! I'm telling you, this thing is amazing!
The best part of WTJ is the technology that stops people from stealing your affiliate money. We will touch on this subject in greater depth further on in the site. But basically it goes like this, You sign up with an affiliate company to make money pushing their product or site on your site and you gain revenue from all your clicks or products sold. Yet most people bypass these links and go directly to the company to bypass your earnings.
ie. you sign up with sellstuff.com and become an affiliate. Your link would be sellstuff.com/mybusiness.com Most people who see this link will drop your "/mybusiness" and visit the site directly, hijacking your affiliate money. WTJ stops anyone from seeing your links, therefore stopping them from simply bypassing them. Putting the money in your pocket.

More FREE Advertising

Since the Internet era, viral advertising becomes the most reliable means to advertise almost anything. Internet can reach every corner of the world, and so does your website! That's why Traffic Digger exists. Traffic Digger works based on viral advertising concept. With clean design and easily readable ads, you can be sure that we're the best place to advertise your website for FREE!
Do you want thousands of free visitors every day? Your website can be 1 of these websites.

Referral based traffic - You are probably familiar with the concept of network marketing, well this is a free version of that marketing method - by registering and promoting your link referral affiliate link, an exponential growth of 5 levels of referrals can be created (ex. you refer 10 people who refer 10 people each who refer 10 each....), potentially 10,000s of visitors/day all viewing your link prominently in the top spot of our 'Featured Sites' section on our home page for your referral ID. It works because its free, fast to register, easy to implement and no risk. People that are referred from your site will have nothing to lose and everything to gain, just like you.

Become a Traffic G member and you'll be able to drive free, guaranteed visitors and traffic to any website of your choice! And the cost of this great service? Absolutely NOTHING - NO catches!